A Bunch of Donkeys

Kamala Crash and Global Turmoil: Biden and Harris' Deafening Silence

August 05, 2024 Jonathan W Season 1 Episode 11

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What happens when global financial markets crumble overnight? Join us on Just a Bunch of Donkeys as we confront the staggering aftermath of the unprecedented collapse in the stock markets across Japan, Korea, and Europe. Dubbed the "Kamala crash," this financial fiasco has left the NASDAQ in a severe nosedive, and we're scrutinizing the conspicuous silence from President Biden and Vice President Harris. With escalating tensions between Iran and Israel adding fuel to the fire, we dissect the broader implications for American credit debt, inflated home prices, and the contentious issue of open borders.

Our call to action is clear: the need for robust, competent leadership has never been more critical. In this episode, we lament the lack of response from our top officials and reflect on the sacrifices of our military personnel, who have fought for the security we now find so fragile. We warn against letting memes, jokes, or media distractions cloud our judgment during these turbulent times. It's time to demand accountability and strive for a return to normalcy and stability. Tune in as we navigate these complex issues and rally for a brighter, more secure future.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning everybody. Welcome back to another episode of Just a Bunch of Donkeys. Now, guys, today's episode is going to be a little different. I know that you know relatively new to these podcast episodes, but this one I did not have any time to prepare for. I was actually going on vacation. I'm on vacation today and, you know, obviously, with everything that is going on with Iran and the stock market, and you know Biden and Harris, I felt like I needed to jump on. So this episode may go in a ton of different directions, as I would like to just speak my mind. So definitely appreciate you listening and appreciate the time that you're giving to this podcast.

Speaker 1:

In the stock market, this is something that, um, you know, go, goes into Friday, um, but uh, more importantly, um, we see Japan's market. Uh, collapse yesterday, uh, trading halts have been put there, uh, or, excuse me, put in place last night, and so, um, you know, obviously, then people start talking about our stock market. You can see that I mean, we've got the I think it's the Korean stock market. We've got the European stock market. I mean, all of these are crashing, all of them are feeling this and now we are in more of a global recession. Now, this morning, 6.30, my time I wake up and we have completely a nosedive and within 30, 45 minutes we are already over. The NASDAQ has already lost over a thousand points in, I mean, in a single day. I don't think that's ever been done before. I think that that is the first time that that has ever happened. I mean this is crazy. This is crazy. So they are calling this a black swan event. Now we will see. Hopefully I'm going to remain optimistic that throughout the remainder of the week, I hope we recover, or I hope that the bleeding stops at least. The bleeding stops at least. I mean millions of Americans are waking up to their savings accounts completely with a loss. So I hope the bleeding stops, but this is scary. This is scary. Guys, the left, jokes are over. Jokes are over. This is coming from the side where it's okay to have a grown man play dress up. Jokes are over. The president needs to step in and be the president, the vice president. We need leadership now. Now, my time is 9.17 am as I record this, on August 5th.

Speaker 1:

Still no word from President Biden or Vice President Harris regarding the economy or the developing situation with Iran and Israel. With Iran and Israel. This isn't. This isn't, as I've spoken on the podcast before Biden hiding from the media On if he's running or not running. Now he withdraws. It's been two weeks and we haven't directly heard from Harris Regarding the new nomination. She's just gone to a bunch of her cronies and has poached them for the delegate votes. I mean this is crazy. You can't hide anymore. We're seeing possible civil war in the UK.

Speaker 1:

This wokeness and being woke and everything that it has done with open borders and just all of this nonsense jigs up. People are getting fed up. People are getting fed up. We are tired of being lied to. I've sat on the sideline for years. I've talked about it with friends. I've talked about it with family. I never thought I would get on a podcast and start talking. I never thought I would get on a podcast and start talking. This is an average Joe that's tired, just like you. We are all tired of what we're being fed.

Speaker 1:

So, possible global collapse they are calling our stock market crash. They are dubbing it the Kamala crash. Yeah, I mean this is a result. I have been tellingtime high American credit debt, that the debt that Americans credit or that Americans carry on their credit cards are at an all-time high. Americans cannot continue to live like this anymore. Inflated home prices when somebody finally has enough money to buy a house, this was all going to come crashing down. And this is just there. Needed to be something that was going to just pull the rug out, and we were not protected. And here it is. It's here, so they have dubbed this the Kamala crash. It's slightly political, right. Biden's got his hands all over this. The Biden administration. Here it is. We have never been down a thousand points ever in our day on the NASDAQ. So, yeah, it's never been down a thousand plus points before.

Speaker 1:

And it's amazing to me that these politicians will do anything in their power to keep the power that they have. Harris does not have the capabilities of being the president of the United States. Let's throw that out. Just throw it out. She doesn't have the capabilities of doing it and Biden should have retired a long time ago. But these people will do anything to move up the ladder, say what they need to say to secure your vote, but at the end of the day, they do not care about you. They do not care about your family.

Speaker 1:

We have seen that with the open borders. We have seen that, with these immigrants that have come in wreaking havoc, killing Americans, what's scary with these open borders are these terrorists that have come across that are literally in sleeper cells right now, I'm sure, waiting to attack us when, given the green light, saw that last week that there was a gang that has finally given the green light to go after police officers. This is crazy. These politicians do not care about you. We need to feel safe. I'm sorry, but let's break it down. Go to McDonald's, order a Big Mac. If the cook is unable to make a Big Mac, the cook needs to get down. Go to McDonald's Order a Big Mac. If the cook is unable to make a Big Mac, the cook needs to get fired.

Speaker 1:

Let's take that all the way up to the executive branch. If the president cannot run our country, he should not be president. Not be president. I don't call for it, I'm going to say it. I haven't said this because I think that this would just, this would be a mess. But Biden needs to resign, harris needs to resign and we need the speaker of the house to step up and be the President of the United States immediately. We need somebody with real leadership that can get us through until this election. We can't afford any more of this nonsense or, as Biden would like to say, this, malarkey.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about Biden's administration putting people in positions that do not need to be in their positions. Right, he is. He is putting people that have no experience in the administration and these are the people calling the shots. So, senior white house senior economics aide. So this is the guy that advises the White House on the economy Gene Sperling, if I said that, right Sperling resigned today. So the president of the United States has not come out and spoken to us yet, but his senior advisor on the economy, on a very dark day for the stock market and the world, has just resigned. That's what you get putting people into positions that are just hungry for the power and the position but have no business being there. That guy should be rolling up his sleeves right now and figuring out what to do and advising the president and the administration on what to do and what to tell the American people the administration on what to do and what to tell the American people. But we have a DEI hire in there that should not have been put there in the first place.

Speaker 1:

This is crazy. This is crazy. Let's move on to Iran. Americans have been lied to, americans have been divided and we have politicians that do not want to offend their voters, so they don't speak up or they don't act. So they don't speak up or they don't act. So most of the left has taken the pro-Palestine approach or side, so naturally, they don't want to offend their voters. This is crazy. I mean. These terrorists have been attacking Israel for months now, killing people, innocent people. On both sides, innocent people have died. The United States has contributed to these continued by romanticizing the horrible things that they are doing. And now, after the Hamas leader is killed, iran wants to seek retribution, while these people on TikTok are over here dancing to viral trends about these wars or their sides that they're on creating stupid memes for the presidential campaigns.

Speaker 1:

You can sit in your bubble drinking your Starbucks freaking coffee while innocent people are dying. I don't think you comprehend. You can say it, but I don't think you comprehend. You can say it, but I don't think you comprehend the nuclear capability that Iran has and the United States will need to step up and defend our allies. This is going to be full-blown World War III. It's okay. How many of these you know this stupid agenda where there's no genders. So that's great. Remember that. Remember that when you are drafted to go to war, remember you want to identify as a. Remember that when you are drafted to go to war, remember you want to identify as a boy. It's not just convenient for you, you should get drafted.

Speaker 1:

There have been so many people, millions and millions, that have laid down their lives to defend the lives of the innocent, and that's what's going to need to happen. There are innocent people that are going to die. There are innocent people that are going to die. I'm sorry, I'm a little, I don't want to say off topic, but I am bothered. Right, I do have the safety of sleeping in my bed and waking up.

Speaker 1:

I went to bed last night thinking, gosh, I hope Iran does not attack Israel. I hope the stock market doesn't crash, because me, I feel for the people that are struggling. I feel for the people that can't pay their bills. I feel for the people that have worked their entire lives and have saved up and now that is sliced and slashed. I feel for the people that literally can't afford the groceries on their table and I feel completely blessed to be able I wake up without fearing that a missile was going to attack me while I sleep. So I am very blessed and we as Americans are very blessed, but there are so many people in the world now by innocent lives that are literally going to be taken and that have been taken, and then, unfortunately, innocent lives that are going to be taken because of a recession. The truth of it is is people find it easier to just end it all. I'm sure suicide rates are going to go through the roof. So stop playing games.

Speaker 1:

Uh, conservatives listening to this podcast. Step up, step up. Educate your friends that want to vote for the left, that want to continue to play these games. Let's break down the misinformation that they're being fed. Let's educate them as well as we can Now. Some of them are a lost cause. I know a couple of them that are completely lost causes, but educate as much as you can to try to earn their vote For a real leader.

Speaker 1:

And if you are a Democrat listening to this, I would implore you to please, please, please, do your research, do your homework. Look, everybody has their flaws. Biden has his flaws, harris has her flaws, trump has his flaws. They all have flaws, but set aside for a minute, please, the fact that you don't like the guy or the misinformation that you've been fed. Investigate it. Find out what's really bothering you about that candidate bothering you about that candidate and dissect it, because right now we are going into big boy territory where we need to feel safe and we need real leaders to get us out of this, because innocent lives are literally on the table. Okay, I think that's enough for me.

Speaker 1:

Today, like I mentioned, I am going to be on vacation for a couple days, so I hope that my next episode I come back to. I pray that the stock market is not continuing to nosedive. I pray that Iran has not attacked Israel and and somehow we can just move past everything that's going on. But I there there's a huge part of me that I mean I feel the stock market is going to continue. I feel that Iran is going to going to attack. I mean writing's on the wall. So I really hope that we don't have to talk about this moving forward and, as of right now, again nine, nine, 30 and check this, 30 and check this.

Speaker 1:

We still have not heard from Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. So scary, scary. We need leadership and we need it now. So I leave you with this. If you are thankful that you can go to sleep at night and not worry about missiles coming down over your head and bombing your house, just think thank god for that and thank all of the men and women that have laid down their lives for us to have that security. But remember it doesn't take much to lose that security and and don't let the memes and the jokes and the media, don't let all that noise get in the way of you having that safety at night. Another four years of this cannot continue. Enough is enough. We need some real leadership back. We need to get back to normal. Okay, I'll see you guys next time. Thank you for joining me on another episode of Just a Bunch of donkeys.

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