A Bunch of Donkeys

Double Standards in Politics: A Quick Recap From This Week

August 04, 2024 Jonathan W Season 1 Episode 10

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Why is it that "White Dudes for Harris" gets a free pass, while Trump supporters are immediately branded as racists? This is just one of the many double standards we tackle in this episode of Just a Bunch of Donkeys. Fresh off a vacation that reaffirmed my conservative perspective, we're cutting through the noise to expose the left-leaning misinformation that's rampant in today's media. As a conservative in the blue stronghold of California, I share personal stories and discuss the unique challenges faced by those who dare to express right-leaning views in a hostile environment. 

We also bring you the voice of a white Trump supporter who grew up in a diverse community and refuses to be labeled a racist. From contrasting rally experiences to critiquing the left's selective inclusivity, this episode is a no-holds-barred conversation about the hypocrisies in American politics. We scrutinize President Biden’s declining capabilities and question the controversial nomination of Kamala Harris as his potential successor. If you’re tired of the biased mainstream narrative and are looking for straightforward and honest political commentary, this episode is a must-listen.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode of Just a Bunch of Donkeys. I really appreciate you being here. This podcast is going to take so many different directions, as we get it going, that are just telling us what we want to hear, just so they can get your vote to really just commentating off of this sitcom that America has become. We're literally a TV show and unfortunately, this is real world. This is real life that we're dealing with and I really want to talk about that. So my last episode I talked to you about I was going on vacation for a couple days. I wanted to get back in and record this episode because I'm going back on for a couple more days. So much has gone on. But I'm doing this for the couple subscribers that all of a sudden I've got some listeners, I've got some subscribers on the YouTube platform side I don't know, we just got a little traction over there. Definitely have some traction more on the podcast side. But really appreciate the audience, really appreciate the listeners, appreciate the little send us a text message of the feedback that people are doing and it is shaping this podcast direction. So I encourage you, if you wanna hear something or you wanna see a different direction let me know, because I am definitely taking that into consideration Now.

Speaker 1:

Over my vacation I was talking to a couple of people that have listened to the podcast and really kind of told me what I needed to know about the podcast. And one thing was on the earlier episodes I said I'm going to try to be unbiased. I have already said I am a conservative in the deep blue state of California and I want to be unbiased, exposing these lies. It is very clear to me that moving forward this direction is absolutely a conservative show. It is definitely right-leaning. I will try to be as honest as possible on everything. Not that I'm going to intentionally spread any misinformation or lies, because I do not believe in that. I would like to hear both sides of stories. But my views are right and it is not fair if I try to say I'm going to be unbiased because I can't Seeing what the left is putting out there, seeing this propaganda, the mainstream media's lies, social media, google, all of that. Just putting this out there is crazy and somebody needs to talk about it. Somebody needs to be transparent and I'd like to be that somebody. So very, very clear to me it's going to be hard to be unbiased here. I am definitely biased to a fault at this point. So, anyways, today's episode is not so much one specific episode, as I have not been here in about a week and there has been so much that has gone on while I've been gone, and I just wanted to talk about a couple of the funny things that are not funny, but things that have come up that I think are serious that I would like to mention some funny stuff in it as well.

Speaker 1:

But let's jump into it. So first things first stood out this week white dudes for Harris. That is a little group, a little conference call got together, raised millions of dollars for the Harris campaign. Good for you guys. A double standard, double standard. If Trump had a group or there was a group that supported Trump that said white dudes for Trump, the left would lose their freaking mind. They would literally be rioting and burning down buildings saying that that group is racist. But the fact that Harris' side put together something that said white dudes for Harris' Harris obviously does not apply to them, just like all of the mandates did not apply to our Governor Newsom when he decided to go out, did not apply to Nancy Pelosi at that hair salon Did not apply to Fauci at that Dodger State, I think it was the baseball stadium. Let me say that, double standard, double freaking standard. So, anyways, got a group for white dudes for Harris hey, by the way, you see any just regular Joe Schmoes on there.

Speaker 1:

A lot of Hollywood elites, a lot of Hollywood elites now jumping behind this circus campaign that the left is quickly trying to put together and trying to get some traction. They're literally doing everything they can to get this campaign traction. So all these Hollywood's elites that you follow are now inundating you with their social media platform of Harris for president. Listen to this. Let me jump on this. This is crazy. This is so freaking crazy. The left is so blind and they follow so blindly. Wake up. What do we need to do? This is ruining our country and dividing our country. For me, for the longest time you know it's funny. Like I said, I live in California and the county that I live in is relatively conservative but nonetheless is pretty blue. I mean, I'm in California, always votes blue, but we do have some conservatives.

Speaker 1:

A couple years ago I went to the fairgrounds. At the fairs they have these. You know, you'll have a Republican booth and you'll have a Democrat booth. You know they're separated right, but you walk around and you can clearly see. I stopped at the Republican booth because at the time Donald Trump was president and there was a cutout. They've got their cutouts of their parties right. So they had a cutout of Donald Trump and I went and took a picture and did a thumbs up next to him and I think I bought a Make America Great hat there. I bought something there. I forget what it was. It was a sticker. I don't know. It was something that I bought a Make America Great hat there. I bought something there. I forget what it was. It was a sticker. I don't know. It was something that I bought and they had warned me. They said, hey, you need to be careful carrying this around. Somebody bought a yard sign the other day and was jumped going to the parking lot. That's America. So for the longest time I definitely supported Trump being in California, but I kept it close. I kept it close. I kept it close as I'm.

Speaker 1:

Obviously you can tell I'm white. You've got a white man that supports Donald Trump and then you've got the mainstream media that Trump supporters are racist. I am not racist. I grew up in a very diverse community. One of my childhood friends, probably about the age of four, all the way up until our adulthood, this was my brother. So we met and we became such close friends. He's literally my brother. His mother is my like adopted mother was black. So I've grown up very diverse, seen both sides, and I don't ever want to be labeled racist. So I just kept my mouth quiet, right, I don't want to tell anybody. I support Trump because I don't want to be labeled racist. But I don't agree with the left side, I don't agree with the policies I don't want to follow blindly. So that is a white dude for Trump. But if that was a white dude for Trump, but if that was a group, it would be dubbed racist.

Speaker 1:

I'm tired of the double standard in America. You know I can pretty much sum up most conservatives I'm going to go on on a limb here we're patriotic and we love our country, we love our family and you know what? We love our guns. We want to protect what we've got. We want to protect what we've got. So white dudes for Harris raises a bunch of money. If we had white dudes for Trump, we would be labeled racist. That's crazy and I am firsthand in California.

Speaker 1:

I've kept my mouth quiet for so long because I did not want to be dubbed a racist. That's crazy. That's America, where you literally support an opponent and you walk to a parking lot and get jumped for it. I would never see a Biden supporter or a Harris supporter and think I'm going to harm them. This doesn't come across my mind. I may disagree completely with what their policies are, what they represent, but I would never want to harm anybody, and that's just me. But I'm going to speak for most conservatives and say well, we're on the same page there, we don't want harm, we just disagree.

Speaker 1:

And you can see that. Yeah, I saw this video and you can see that. I saw this video where there was this guy that went to a Biden rally and he threw a Trump shirt on and he went and stood in the crowd and the crowd's reaction of the hate that they had, the hateful stuff that they said. They threw water at him, they threw a water bottle at him. The hate, remember that a water bottle at him. The hate, remember that parking lot jump Hate. And then he went to a Trump rally and put a Biden shirt on and people laughed, they gave him high fives and they welcomed him for being at the rally.

Speaker 1:

There's a clear difference here. And when you say, when you're from the side that says love is love, you're just saying that you don't understand, that you don't represent it, you don't live by it, you're not giving love, you just, you just believe the fake image of it. Love, you just believe the fake image of it. So anyways, moving on, another thing that came out JD Vance is weird. Jd Vance is weird. Jd Vance fought for our country. So JD Vance is weird. Jd Vance fought for our country. He was literally going to lay down his life for us to be able to talk, like I'm talking on this podcast or like you're able to go and do your little mean tweets. Jd Vance is weird. Jd Vance is not weird. Jd Vance has weird. Jd Vance is not weird. Jd Vance has a family. He has children. The children are children. Right, he has a wife. Jd Vance is not weird.

Speaker 1:

This is coming from a side. This narrative is coming from a side. This narrative is coming from a side where it is literally okay to chop your child's genitals off, but the right side is being dubbed weird. It's coming from a side where it's okay for a grown man to play dress-up and dress-up like a woman and go and use a woman's bathroom where there are women and children present. That's the side that this weird narrative is coming from. That's the side that this weird narrative is coming from. This is the side where Harris had her first rally and she had to recruit a rapper to gather a crowd and she had to get on stage and twerk for the crowd right before a presidential candidate got on stage. That's the side that this weird narrative is coming from. And the left they eat it up, they devour it.

Speaker 1:

This is the side where, for years, we've known Biden. His mental, his ability to run the country has declined. He's no longer fit for office, but he is now running for reelection. This is the side that said Biden is seasoned, he's not old, he's seasoned. He knows what he's talking about. He's been around for a long time. His age has nothing to do with this. The moment, the moment, he is not a presidential candidate anymore and they put somebody else out there. Donald Trump is now the oldest candidate, the oldest nominee, and he's just too old. It's like, like a light switch, you are being told what to believe.

Speaker 1:

Wake up, wake up, guys. Wake up on harris being the nominee. She has officially been selected as the nominee, moving forward again. Talk about waking up. This is literally coming from the side that wants to abolish the electoral college, but now is having a candidate selected for them. They're okay with this. This is freaking crazy. Harris is now the nominee without securing one single vote in their defense.

Speaker 1:

Well, this happened to me. Well, by default, if Biden wasn't going to be able to serve, harris was his vice president, so he just she's naturally his replacement. Did Biden actually and I'd love for somebody to drop me a line Did he actually say he was going to select Harris as his VP for the next term? Did that come out yet? We're assuming it did, and we are. We do know, if something is to happen to Biden now, that Harris would be the president, but that's not how it goes.

Speaker 1:

In the election, she was solely selected and they are not listening to the American people. Give them a voice. You do not. They do not have a voice. They do not have a voice. We saw with Facebook and Google this last week them not acknowledging the Donald Trump assassination attempt, crafting that like it never happened. Or now you go on and search Google for Donald Trump and Harris pops up. I talked about that in one of my episodes search engine favoritism. But now, a week later, week two later, it has been exposed. These algorithms are created by people and these people do not want the best interests for our country. They just want to remain in power. They want us to fight. They want us to fight, they want us to implode. They have other interests and the left is eating that up. Now, as of today, august 4th, if you search Donald Trump on Google, we now have actual feed that shows Donald Trump showing up. So it's funny. We saw Facebook come out and they acknowledged their error. We have not seen Donald Trump's error, excuse me. We have not seen Google fix the Donald Trump error and make a statement about it. Wake up, wake up. It's just.

Speaker 1:

It's so sad that the mainstream media you want to go on like the moment Donald Trump was shot. I want to just go on real quick and find information that said the facts right, like the facts if Biden was God forbid shot, or Harris. I want the facts right now. I want the news and you can't get that. The headline Donald Trump falls off of the stage. Secret Service takes him off. They literally have people in that crowd that relayed that information back that there were gunshots and they decided not to put that up.

Speaker 1:

Now, once the media outlets started reporting, they all have to get on the same page. They want the headlines, they want you to consume their information, they want you to stay on their platform and they want you to engage with it. And if it's putting bad content out there, that you are the product. And in America we have free speech, that is free speech. But when you've got these billionaires and these elites and these people crafting a story that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, you will literally have some 20-year-old that has believed everything to date get up on a roof and do something unimaginable Unimaginable. These media companies should be held accountable, but they're not. So ask questions every single day as you read articles, ask questions on them, confirm it, go to multiple sources, figure out, get to the bottom of it, and that's what I do. I don't just take one news stream, I check them all and I like to figure out. You know, I like to figure out what's going on. I don't want to be fed information by these platforms and unfortunately, that's what's. That's what's happening, so a lot of stuff has gone on.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening. On this episode. It a little bit off top, I mean I don't want to say off topic, because I felt like I was able to recap a couple things Moving forward. I look forward to creating a couple new episodes for you in the you know, obviously in the future, but more going back to just being able to talk about one issue. So I hope this didn't go into too many different directions. And send me a text. Send me a text or leave me a comment in the comment section. I want to know feedback about the show. And send me a text. Send me a text or leave me a comment in the comment section. I want to know feedback about this show. I'd really like to get your input. Craft it to what you would like to see on here or what you'd like me to talk about, and I'll take that into consideration and put a show together for that. Okay, otherwise, thank you and you guys have a great weekend. It was good talking to you today and I'll catch you next time.

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